Resurgent Legends : Swordcraft voice lines (リサージェント・レジェンズ:ロイヤル セリフ一覧)

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第31弾 リサージェント・レジェンズ 2023/12/26~ の日本語と英語のボイスについて、記載しています。


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Name(EN/JP/JP)TimingJPJP(For non-native)EN
Charlemagne, Great Unifier
chintei no ou, Charlemagne
Play剣だけで王は名乗れんkendakede ouha nanorenNow government has wisdom (correct?)
Attack我が王道waga oudouBe judged (correct?)
Evolve鮮やかに輝き、XXXXazayakani kagayaki xxxxxxXXX XXX like the way ( Please help me)
Death器でないかっ。。。utsuwadeha naikaI was just a figurehead.
Alwida, Marine Czarina
pirate queen, Alwida
Play海の掟は、私が決めるっumino okiteha watashiga kimeruI am the lord of the sea.
Attackあくびが出るわっakubiga deruwaThat all you got?
Evolve奪いつくして、沈めてあげるubaitsukushite shizumete ageruGive me your lips are like. ( Please help me)
Death私が、沈む?watashiga shizumu?I’m sinking.
High-Minded Knight
zendou no kishi
Play悪い奴は懲らしめるっwarui yatuha korashimeruPlease be gone.
Attack成敗っseibaiXXX ( Please help me)
Attack(Evolve)正義だよっseigidayoChase justice
Evolve悪に情けはかけないわっakuni nasakeha kakenaiwaNo mercy XXX XXX ( Please help me)
Death殺しちゃったの?koroshi cyattano?I betrayed my values.
Death (Evolve)守れなかった。。。mamorenakattaAm I a murderer?
Troya, Nocturnal Scout
yamiyo no sekkou, Troia
Play必ず戦果を捧げましょうkanarazu sennkawo agemasyouEntrust this task to me.
Attackここは私がっkokowa watashigaYou’re too close. 
Evolve私は得た、生きる理由をっwatashihaeta ikiru riyuuwoI’ll lead the way.
Death過信しすぎたっkashinn shisugitaI overestimated my ability.
Invisible Soldier
touka no kenshi
Play透けて見えるよ、そういうのsukete mieruyo souiunoMine will be the last face you’ll see. 
Enhance侮っているの、透けて見えるよanadotte iruno sukete mieruyoI can see right through you. 
Enhance透かしてる暇、なくなるよ。sukashiteruhima nakunaruyoIt’s clear. You don’t think much of me. 
Attack肩透かしだねkatasukashi daneClear is water. (?)
Evolveあんたの弱点、見透かしたanntano zyakuten misukashitaNow you see me? Now you don’t 
Death何も見えないっnanimo mienaiEverything’s going dark. 
Brutish Buccaneer
violent  pirate
Play自由を手に入れるんだっziyuuwo teni irerunndaI’ll find my freedom.
AttackせぇぇいseeeiComing through
Evolve叶えるさっ、必ずっkanaerusa kanarazuEven fake maps lead somewhere. 
Death目が覚めちまったmega samechimattaI did not want to wake up.
Effect叶えるさっ、必ずっkanaerusa kanarazuEven fake maps lead somewhere. 
Wee Greatsword Warrior
konshin no taiken tsukai
Playこの一撃に、全てを懸けるkono ichigekini subetewo kakeruI’ll show you a real power move.
Enhance見せるよっ全力の一撃をmiseruyo zennryokuno ichigekiwoGo big or go home. (?)
Attack全力っzennryokuNo holding back. 
Evolve全員一気にぶっ飛ばすzenninn ikkini buttobasuI’ll slam you into next week.
Death腰を割ったぁkoshiwo watta-Oh, my back…
Princess of Gratitude
kangen no himegimi
Play笑顔は決して崩しませんegaoha kesshite kuzushimasenI mustn’t stop smiling. 
AttackせめてものっsemetemonoThank you.
Evolve民に笑顔を返しますtamini egaowo kaeshimasuI owe everything to my people. 
Deathどんなときでもdonnna tokidemoMy royal duty
Tristan, Triumphant Knight
soukou no kishi, Tristan
Play世は無常、故に断つyoha muzyou yueni tatsuThe world is unfeeling. So I destroy.
Attack無駄だっmudadaIt’s useless.
Evolve撒け、フェイルノートmake FailenoteHow Failenote
Death望まれぬ生が、今。。。nozomarenuga sei ima…So, this is it.

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